

Sunday, September 27 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

1Opening ceremony

Monday, September 28 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

2Macro and micro determinants of poverty dynamics
3Demographic and prospective transitions of the Arab world population
4Maternal and perinatal health
5Internal migration and urbanisation: processes and patterns (1)
6Family dynamics and networks
7Consequences of armed conflict on children and on youth
8The international migration of highly skilled workers
9Prospects for the family support of older people and their implications
10Measuring hard-to-count populations and sensitive issues
11Methodological and measurement advances in fertility research
12Darwinian approaches to explaining demographic transition

Monday, September 28 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

13Population ageing and intergenerational relations
14Internal migration and urbanization in the Arab world
15The social context of adolescent sexual behaviour
16Sex differences in health and survival: perspectives from humans and non-human species
17Dimensions of mortality in the past
18The impact of union dynamics on child wellbeing
19Transnational communities, social networks and international migration
20Demography of minority and migrant cultural groups
21Using demography in business and public sectors
22Abortion in India
23Intergenerational transmission of resources and reproductive trajectories (1)

Monday, September 28 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P1Reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, poverty and gender

Monday, September 28 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

24New theoretical frameworks in demography
25Observation of demographic and social facts in the Arab world: opportunities and challenges
26Institutional contexts and actors engaged in the practice of abortion in Southern countries
27HIV, anti-retroviral therapies and counselling: access, sustainability and behavioural issues
28Timing of childbearing
29Water and population: impact on health and mobility
30Measuring integration: political debates, scientific and methodological issues
31Population ageing, labour productivity and pension systems
32The health transition in the 19th/20th century: historical approaches
33Trends in disability and their implications
34Modelling components of population change

Monday, September 28 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

36Policies and approaches for social justice and poverty alleviation in the Arab world
37Measuring maternal mortality through the 2010 round of population censuses
38Workforce ageing: consequences and responses
39Childlessness in developed countries
40Women's empowerment: measures and determinants
41Factors affecting destination choices of internal migrants
42Adolescent life courses in developing countries
43Two decades of demographic masculinization in Asia: impact and policy response
44The role of highly skilled workers in socio-economic development
45Gender violence

Monday, September 28 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

46After Cairo: issues and challenges for a new Population and Development Agenda (UNFPA Plenary)

Tuesday, September 29 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

47Contraception: choice, compliance, continuation and switching
48Migration in the Arab world: specific profiles
49Adolescent and intergenerational fertility patterns
50The AIDS epidemic: methodological advances
51Union dissolution and remarriage
52Population forecasting: new approaches and uses in policy
53Migration and left behind family and community (2)
54The demography of indigenous populations
55Family relations in a context of population ageing
56Gender inequality, in death as in life?
57Incorporating biological indicators in demographic studies

Tuesday, September 29 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

58Sexual behaviour
59Dividends of the demographic transition in the Arab world: general cases and exceptions
60Reproductive morbidity
61Mortality today: national and cross-national reviews
62New methodological approaches to study the contemporary family
63Comparative fertility in low fertility settings
64Spatial approaches to understanding inequality in health and poverty
65Labour activity among older adults and intergenerational transfers
66Obtaining data on special populations: survey techniques and sampling methodologies for developing countries
67Transitions in family life: new links of nuptiality and fertility
68Vulnerable minorities

Tuesday, September 29 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P2Fertility, family and children

Tuesday, September 29 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

69Forecasting, methods and data
70Demography and conflicts in the Arab world
71Cost-effectiveness of reproductive health interventions in reducing maternal and abortion-related morbidity and mortality
72Policies in low-fertility countries
73New methods and new insights in mortality research
74Population impact on deforestation in developing countries
75Theories in demography
76Religion, culture and health
77Men's involvement in children's lives
78Child health, education and nutrition
79Public policy, education and household welfare

Tuesday, September 29 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

80The economic aspects of population ageing
81International migration in the Arab world
82Low fertility: present and future
83Adolescent transition to adulthood in a changing context in developing countries
84Mortality differentials by socioeconomic status: What about the women?
85Demography of armed conflict
86Unintended pregnancies
87Poverty and health in the life cycle
88History of the family
89New data and methods for studying international migration and transnational networks
90Indirect methods of demographic estimation: new techniques for new realities

Tuesday, September 29 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

91Key population challenges in the Arab world (Moroccan plenary)

Wednesday, September 30 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

92Union formation and marriage
93Europe and the Maghreb: demographic ties. (Association Maghrébine pour l'Etude de la Population & European Association for Population Studies)
94Children and youth
95The gender division of household labour
96Sex differences in risk factors, disability and mortality
97Population distribution processes and environmental change
98Consequences of internal migration for families left behind
99Comparative fertility in high fertility settings
100HIV and demographic measurement
101Improving abortion and post-abortion services
102A decline of violence? Measurement and empirical issues

Wednesday, September 30 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

103Economic impact of reproductive health
104Maternal health in the Arab world
105Family, health and well-being of older people in poorer countries
106Internal migration, poverty and economic development
107Men and children: childbearing and childrearing
108Environment-induced migrants (1)
109Gender-based violence
110Health, mortality and longevity
111Safer sex, HIV/AIDS and contraception: the place of condoms
112International migration of women
113Gender, educational achievement and the marriage market

Wednesday, September 30 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P3Migration, environment and spatial demography

Wednesday, September 30 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

114International Migration
115Health equity and policy in the Arab countries
116Children living outside of marriage: issues and implications
117Education and labour force
118Causes of death: the proximate determinants of mortality
119Probabilistic population projection
120Abortion in West Africa: attitudes, practice and incidence
121Vulnerability, health and human Rights
123Fertility and migration
124Poverty, inequality and social exclusion

Wednesday, September 30 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

125Migration and co-development (1)
126Policies and approaches to gender and empowerment of women in the Arab world: achievements revisited
127Training Session: Getting published: Negotiating the peer-review process
128The contribution of the demographic transition to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
129A graceful exit? Health and mortality of the elderly
130Religion, traditional beliefs and fertility
131Maternal and perinatal health: quality of care
132The impact of policies on fertility and female employment
133Contextual factors influencing HIV testing and treatment
134Internal migration and urbanization: processes and patterns (2)
135GIS: integrating spatial and social demography

Wednesday, September 30 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

136International migration and the economic crisis (IUSSP Plenary)

Thursday, October 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

137Reproductive health
138Moroccan immigration and transnational networks
139Depopulation: Trends and the impact of policies
140Training Session: Research to Action: communicating evidence to effect change
141Combating childhood mortality
142Poverty and fertility linkages
143Demographic transformations, convergences and inequalities in Latin America: what the future holds? (Latin American Population Association)
144Educational achievement and the labour market (2)
145Marital trajectories and social interactions
146HIV testing as the gateway to treatment
147New techniques for estimating migration

Thursday, October 1 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

148The demographic, economic, societal, and policy impacts of the HIV/AIDS pandemic
149High fertility societies, stagnation in the fertility decline: Where, why and future prospects?
150Policies and population
151Population and environment: local and regional planning challenges
152International migration and transnational families and households
153Advances in longitudinal analyses in population research
154Changing demographic landscape in Asia (Asian Population Association)
155Measuring poverty
156Innovative approaches in life table application
157Charting the course of an individual AIDS epidemic and understanding its determinants
158New perspectives on the historical fertility transition

Thursday, October 1 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P4Health and ageing

Thursday, October 1 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

160The 25th anniversary of the DHS: Data make a difference
161Gender, educational achievement and the marriage market
162Population pressure, resource use and environmental degradation
163Family context and work-life balance
164The timing of fertility and family transitions in Europe
165Internal migration, poverty and development
166Inter-generational transmission of vulnerability
167Trends and patterns of morbidity
168Maternal and perinatal health: determinants
169Understanding demographic and health dynamics in developing countries using longitudinal data

Thursday, October 1 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

170Interrelations between population and climate change
171Demographic impacts of the economic crisis
172The transition to adulthood among second generation migrants: navigating between two cultures
173Gender inequalities and low fertility: the effects of policies
174Before marriage: engagement in contemporary societies
175Assessing the quality of qualitative data for population research
176The root causes of internal migration: Are they primarily economic? (2)
177The risks of poverty to health and family well-being
178Lost lives: infant mortality
179Contraceptive use: implications for policies and programmes
180Educational differentials and health outcomes: causality or correlation? (Session merged with Session 78)

Thursday, October 1 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

181Population and climate change (IUSSP Plenary)

Friday, October 2 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

182The institutional context of low fertility
183Mortality differentials in multi-ethnic societies
184Educational achievement and the labour market (1)
185Progress or deterioration in gender equality
186Spatial demography
187Life course analysis: linked lives in longitudinal perspective
188Gender and migration
189Displaced persons, refugees and vulnerability
190Roles of family members and health providers in abortion in Southern countries
191Environment and mobility
192Marriage and family organization in the past

Friday, October 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

193The gap between desired and achieved fertility
194Divorce and remarriage in North and West Africa
195International labour migration: trends, policies and legal issues
196Socio-economic inequality and mortality
197Mapping fertility decline
198Improving the usefulness of 2010 Population Census round. (International Statistical Institute)
199Female labour force participation, fertility and public policy
200Ethical issues in demographic research
201A historical demography of epidemics
202Measuring mortality differentials by SES and gender in developing countries. A methodological challenge
203Labour market, income and family strategies

Friday, October 2 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Friday, October 2 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

204The root causes of internal migration: Are they primarily economic? (1)
205High fertility societies
206Educational attainment of second generation immigrants
207Environment and health
208Spatial clustering of health and mortality outcomes
209The quantum and tempo of life cycle events
210International migration: methods and data
211Religion, culture and ethnicity
212Implications of imbalanced sex ratios in societies of the past
213The role of men in reproductive health
214Policy responses to ageing populations

Friday, October 2 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

215Will the Second Demographic Transition be global?
216Vulnerability and human rights
217Demographic processes and outcomes for children in sub-Saharan Africa
218Women's status and investment in children's health and education
219Social context, social support, health and mortality
220Data collection and data quality
221Migration and codevelopment (2)
222Religion, culture and reproduction
223Spreading the disease: the demography of diffusion and transmission of contagious agents in the past
224Environment-induced migrants (2)
225Intergenerational transfers of resources and reproductive trajectories (2)

Friday, October 2 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

226Closing ceremony