Tuesday, September 29 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM   •   Ambassadeurs

Session 59:
Dividends of the demographic transition in the Arab world: general cases and exceptions

Chair: Mohamed Taamouti

  1. Impediments to demographic transition in the Arab world in the 18th century: the case of MoroccoAbdelhamid Haddouche, Ministry of Education, Morocco

  2. The demographic window of opportunity in the Maghreb countries: between individual interest and public policyKamel Kateb, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  3. Demography and policyYves Montenay, ESCP-EAP/IDP

  4. Ageing and age-structural transition in the Arab countries: estimated period of demographic dividends and economic opportunityPrem C. Saxena, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai-400088, India

Other sessions on The Arab world: intercontinental crossroads between demographic transitions and population movements