
The harmonized joint pilot tests for 2010 Population Census Round in Latin American countries: an integration experience

Alicia Bercovich, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)
Oscar S Barrios, Dirección General de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos

Since 2000 Census Round planning, six Latin American countries made a joint effort to harmonize a set of common variables, their concepts, definitions and classifications. The Project goals were, among others, widening the cooperation between the countries in the production, use and dissemination of Census data and compiling socioeconomic statistics that would enable to make comparisons between the countries. For 2010 round, countries considered three new topics to be harmonized. The themes were selected based on users demand and relevance for all the countries: people with disabilities, international migration and indigenous population. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay already carried on pilot tests on those topics. The 2008 test was carried on at indigenous communities belonging to the same ethnic group, both sides of Paraguay-Brazil border. The field work was accompanied by observers representing NSO's of almost all South American countries and Mexico. Also experts on indigenous communities from both countries were integrated to the team.

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Presented in Session 198: Improving the usefulness of 2010 Population Census round. (International Statistical Institute)