
Population ageing and demographic policies in a Russian megapolis: the case of Saint-Petersburg

Gaiane Safarova, Russian Academy of Sciences

Ageing characterises demographic dynamics of all developed societies. Besides, in Russia big cities have been main engines of demographic development. Saint-Petersburg with its about 4.5 mln population is the second largest city in Russia and in several aspects plays the leading role in the country. The paper aims at studying dynamics of ageing process in Saint-Petersburg since 1989 and examining national and Saint-Petersburg concepts of demographic development from the point of view of meeting needs of the elderly. Several ageing characteristics will be computed for Saint-Petersburg, and they will be compared with those for Russia as a whole. The paper will be based on censuses and data of Petrostat on vital events. Results of the study may contribute to the better understanding of regularities of ageing development not only in Saint-Petersburg but in Russia as a whole. They would enable enhancing management and planning of social and health services.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts