
Cause-specific hospital utilisation and mortality patterns in New Zealand by area deprivation, 1974-2006

Ngaire A Coombs, University of Southampton

This paper aims to review findings from previous research on avoidable hospitalisation data in New Zealand and present findings from a longitudinal study of avoidable hospitalisations from 1979-2004. Previous research is examined to investigate the trends in hospital admission in New Zealand by disease classification, and examine whether potentially ‘avoidable’ hospital admission rates and indicators of utilisation (length of stay) vary by ethnicity, deprivation and region/area. This analysis allows evaluation of health reforms aimed at reducing ethnic health disparities and increasing effectiveness of primary care for disadvantaged groups. Ethnic-specific hospital admission rates are of interest because there is evidence to suggest that people of different ethnicities may use health services differently.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts