
The spatial variation in fertility and family planning scenario in India: understanding through a GIS approach

Sutapa Agrawal, Epidemiologist, SANCD

An effective programme can only be implemented on the basis of existing knowledge of the geographical area in terms of different demographic aspects. GIS plays a critical role in determining where and when to intervene, improving the quality of care, increasing the accessibility of services, and finding more cost-effective delivery modes. GIS in India have greater importance due to its abilities to integrate a wide range of data sources. This study attempted to understand the fertility and family planning scenario in India by mapping the district level data using GIS. Demographic variables like early age at marriage, high birth orders, contraceptive prevalence rate, and unmet need for family planning has been mapped. Distribution shows the districts of northern and central states of India to be demographically backward than the southern districts. The identified backward districts, which are performing poorer than national average, should be given more thrust for intervention programme.

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography