
Social network and emigration from Paraguay to Argentina. The interrelation between rural migration, urban migration and social networks

Pablo Sebastian Gómez, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Gabriela Galassi, CEA(CONICET) - FCE(UNC)

Argentina was historically the main destination for migration from neighbouring countries in the southern cone of Latin America. Several studies have noted the importance of social networks in international migration. However, few have studied the specific roles occupied by social networks in the south-south migration in Latin America. In this paper we report findings from a recent survey of international migration from Paraguay to Argentina. Survey Emigration of Paraguayans (EEP2008) was done in migrant-sending communities in Paraguay. We present a comparative analysis of how social networks operate to promote the emigration of Paraguayans from rural and urban areas to Argentina. The discussion on rural and social networks is treated. We carry out a multivariate analysis to measure the effect of personal connections to migrants and whether the effect differs by place of origin, from rural areas or urban areas to Argentina.

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Presented in Session 89: New data and methods for studying international migration and transnational networks