
Human rights in Brazil: discussions and proposals for measurement of right to adequate food

Baiena Souto, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)
Débora Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ

Nowadays, added to scenario of hunger and specific nutritional deficiencies other problems arising from an inadequate food. Recently, discussions about genetically modified foods have also raised concerns about the negative impacts of inaccurate knowledge and direct risks to health and the environment as well as the continuous duration in space and time for small and medium rural producers. In addition has been discussed the integration of biofuels, in which by many authors as a solution to the problem of non-renewable fuels derived from oil. It has been a cause of for great concern related to the impact on increasing of plantations of grains for its production, reducing food supply, and consequently increasing value of foods. This article intent to discuss the issue of human right to adequate food, advancing in a draft measure aimed at diagnosis and monitoring of advances, setbacks and / or stagnation in this field for Brazil.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Health and ageing