
A new conceptual framework for socioeconomic conditions during the life cycle as determinants of health of elderly

Nelson Otávio Beltrão Campos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Laura R. Wong, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)

The present proposal aims to draw a new conceptual framework on the interaction of socioeconomic conditions over the life of individuals and how they define the health of the elderly. Based on this framework, proposes to model and test statistical associations between socioeconomic variables and three different dimensions of health of the elderly. We used data from Sao Paulo, Brazil using Project SABE 2000.The conceptual framework proposed, has already brought some benefits. At first, it helped in the variable selection and in the process of statistical elaboration. Furthermore, it was important for the results interpretation and in the inferences brought by them. The application for São Paulo showed that different dimensions of health have distinct socioeconomic determinants. We also believe that a new conceptual framework could help future researchers to develop and interpret other statistical models. Finally, we hope that the referred framework helps to elaborate and structure future surveys.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Health and ageing