
Sustainability evaluation in municipal districts belonging to Paraíba do Sul river basin, Brazil.

Cynthia Vianna, National School of Statistical Science
Julia Strauch, National School of Statistical Science
Sandra Canton, National School of Statistical Science

Sustainability indicators are built starting from identified variables in a territory appropriation and of their resources with aim to legitimate social, politics, economical and environmental speeches and practices. They serve as a thermometer to qualify and/or to quantify the sustainable development through a comparative evaluation of environment and life quality. They constitute in auxiliary tools in the planning process once they can indicate areas with better or worse relative acting, they can point tendencies and/or call attention for points weak/heavy of studied territory. So, this work proposes a methodology for build a sustainability synthetic index that subsidizes a spatial analysis of Sustainable Development perspective. The proposal methodology combines techniques of multivariate analysis, spatial statistics and Geoprocessing. The area selected for the study was the Paraíba do Sul river basin, Brazil.

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography