
Induced abortion: testimonies of survivors, the consequences and the policy implications.

Ambrose Akinlo, Obafemi Awolowo University
Adekunbi Omideyi, Obafemi Awolowo University

This explorative study was to understand how men/women talk about social norms regarding induced abortion and contraception, the role of men in procuring abortion and the contextual influences on abortion and contraception. The qualitative study included seventeen IDIs and four FGDs conducted among respondents that include women who suffered post-abortion complications. Reasons why women chose abortion over contraception and the cost of abortion versus contraception were examined. The study found that despite abortion being illegal in Nigeria and the stigmatisation reported by the respondents, many unwanted pregnancies were still terminated, often by quacks and in terrible circumstances. Men were important actors in the procurement of abortion services for their partners; some women however had abortions without their partner’s knowledge. It was also found that the abortion experiences of some respondents have positive effects on their disposition towards contraception. The study discusses both the programme and policy implications of the findings.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, poverty and gender