
Disaggregating risks profiles for HIV/AIDS exposure, infection and survival among those aged 50 and older: interpreting bimodal infection models

James W. McNally, University of Michigan
Martha Sayre, University of Michigan
Voon Chin Phua, Gettysburg College

This paper looks at the growing prevalence of late life exposure and contraction of HIV/AIDS among people aged 50 and older. Studies have shown that the incidence of HIV/AIDS among the mid-life and aging populations has represented 10 percent of the HIV positive population and is now increasing at an alarming rate. This paper expands on the existing research that examines only one aspect (prevalence, knowledge) or single time-periods and looks comparatively at specific measurement issues and outcomes. We examine three specific risk populations. 1) Pre-existing HIV/AIDS infections represent persons with health maintenance issues and a high degree of disease knowledge. 2) Persons 50 and older who have recently been diagnosed as having HIV/AIDS infection and the treatment and behavioral modification they will address to maximize longevity 3) Those midlife and elderly individuals who are not infected but who engage in behaviors that place them at risk of infection.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, poverty and gender