
Social vulnerability and demographic dynamics in Argentina, 2001-07

Leandro González, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

This paper attempts to analyze the relationship between the social vulnerability panorama and population dynamics of Argentina, aftermath the 2001 year socio-economic crisis. Due the long economic recession, the population experienced a fast impoverishment income process. In this way the population below the poverty line rose from 38% in October 2001 to 58% just a year later. While poverty rates were reduced to 21% in 2007, there remain important stocks of social vulnerable population: people with informal employment, school dropout, lack of medical coverage. It is planned to investigate the various socio-demographic profiles existing inside the country, from the consideration of representative provinces of different geographic regions. Theoretical approach of "social vulnerability" is adopted in order to advance the understanding of a wide range of threats that affect the standard of living of all people, not only characterize the impoverished and destitute segments recently.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts