
Social fragmentation: the cost of remittances of Paraguayan people living in Argentina

María Alejandra Fantin, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Eduardo Bologna, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Norma Cristina Meichtry, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

This study examines the dynamics of Paraguayan families whose members are living abroad, and explores the appropriateness of the use of the concept of transnational families to this form of strategic migration between countries that are in a process of regional integration. A typology is proposed according to the stage in the households life cycle in which happens the migration, the emigrated’s gender, the intensity of communications among household members, the relative importance of remittances on total household income . This typology shows that the family migration of the Paraguayans to Argentina has, among the different social classes, different modalities and as a result, different impacts. Besides, a comparison of the levels of education of the migrant member with the national average is performed – considering age ranges - in order to estimate the loss of human capital that accompanies emigration.

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography