
Social determinants of mental health and violence in the Gaza Strip

Ismail Lubbad, Harvard University

This study of the current situation with regard to the mental health especially for women and children in the Gaza Strip, aims to recognize the way in which this major determinant of health in conflict settings affects vulnerable women and children. It also aims to present any available evidence that could be used by policy makers and managers, in dealing with women and children in mental distress in this setting. This study exploited studies and surveys conducted by National or NGOs on the field of violence, mental health and social determinants. One of the main results of this study is: structural and intermediate determinants interact with each other and influence negatively the mental health status of women and children. Cases of females with mental disorders in the Gaza Strip have increased over time. Furthermore mental health disorders are highly associated with political and family violence.

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Presented in Session 70: Demography and conflicts in the Arab world