
The black population in a Brazilian citizen: invisibility, culture and resistance

Maria Nilza Silva, Université de l'Etat de Londrina et Université Catholique de Sao Paulo

The purpose of this work is the analysis of the negro condition in the city of Londrina, State of Paraná, Southern Brazil. The methodology comprehended interviews with black people who have been living in the city for over 30 years and the use of data, segregated by color, from census made by two most important research institutions: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE and Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados - SEADE. The partial results show that the black population is virtually absent from the acknowledged history of the city; nevertheless, its presence can be noticed, since its foundation 74 years ago, through photographs, histories told family dwellers and demographic analyses. The socio-economical condition odes not differ from that in other regions of Brazil in regards to accumulation of disadvantages related to opportunity and access to social rights.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts