
New parents' well-being in the postpartum period: an intervention with the fathers

Laura Pomicino, University of Trieste
Patrizia Romito, University of Trieste

The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of a postnatal intervention with fathers to promote parents’ well-being. 245 new parents were recruited after delivery (Time 1). Couples were randomly assigned to an intervention (n=150) and a control (n=145) groups and filled-in a self-report questionnaire. Fathers in the intervention group received a booklet and offered a dedicated telephone number to find support in the postpartum period. 6 months after delivery (Time 2), all the participants were contacted and asked to answer to a telephone interview. Main outcome measures were parents’postpartum health, partner relationship, sharing of childcare and housework, work’s satisfaction, parents role satisfaction. At Time 1, response rate was 86%. At Time 2, response rate was 91%. 119 out of 145 fathers in the intervention group were successfully contacted for the telephone intervention, indicating that this kind of intervention is feasible.

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Presented in Session 95: The gender division of household labour