
Gender-specific socioeconomic mortality differences in Italy: New insights from indirect orphanhood-based estimates

Marc Luy, Vienna Institute of Demography
Paola Di Giulio, Vienna Institute of Demography
Graziella Caselli, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

We analyze socioeconomic mortality differences for women and men by using the orphanhood method for the estimation of life expectancy on survey-based information about parental survival. We extend the classic orphanhood method to developed countries and conduct our analysis for Italy since there is no other promising data source for the analysis of recent SES-specific mortality differences. Furthermore, in combination with the specific characteristics of the surveys, this innovative approach helps to overcome several weaknesses of usual studies on SES-specific mortality differentials. Our analysis provides a time series of education- and occupation-specific life tables for women and men that enable both an analysis of more recent socio-economic mortality differences in Italy and their development between 1980 and 1995. Special attention will be devoted to the trends and patterns among women since there seem to be remarkable changes, whereas for men the typical SES mortality gradient remains constant over time.

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Presented in Session 84: Mortality differentials by socioeconomic status: What about the women?