
Reproductive and sexual behaviour, and HIV status in pregnant women in Mwanza region, Tanzania

Sarah Keogh, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Emma Slaymaker, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Yusufu Kumogola, National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania
Mark Urassa, National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania

In Mwanza region, Tanzania, a third of pregnancies are unplanned, and 8% of pregnant women are HIV-infected. Reducing unmet need for family planning would decrease opportunities for mother-to-child transmission, as well as reducing negative birth outcomes. This 2008 survey of 5682 pregnant women was the fourth of a series of antenatal clinic surveys in Mwanza region carried out by NIMR as part of routine HIV surveillance. Each survey examines trends in HIV prevalence and sexual behaviour, to help inform HIV prevention efforts. In addition, the 2008 survey investigates patterns of reproductive behaviour in order to improve family planning counselling pre- and postpartum and help reduce unmet need for HIV infected and uninfected women. Patterns of HIV prevalence from our previous antenatal clinic surveys are presented and updated with the 2008 survey findings. Reproductive behaviour of HIV-positive and negative women is examined, and recommendations drawn for integrating FP and PMTCT services.

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Presented in Session 100: HIV and demographic measurement