
The quality of qualitative data analysis; experiments with grounded theory

Inge Hutter, University of Groningen
Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen
Monique M. Hennink, Emory University

Within the discipline of demography, more and more qualitative research is conducted. However, criteria for good qualitative research are hardly set. This paper focuses on - general criteria for good quality qualitative research (e.g. embedding data collection within theoretical frameworks; reflection on positionality of researchers; elaboration on how data are collected, possible biases); and - specifically, the quality of qualitative data analysis; Two experiments are conducted. Interview transcripts of qualitative research on HIV-AIDS in India are analyzed separately by the three authors, applying rules of grounded theory. The question is: do they follow similar pathways of grounded theory, come to similar themes / codes and inductive models? What are similarities, differences? A second experiment elaborates on reliability and validity issues. The experiments provide in-depth insight into what is needed for proper qualitative data archiving: what information do researchers need before they can adequately analyze qualitative information collected by others?

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Presented in Session 175: Assessing the quality of qualitative data for population research