
Health determinants of migration in Africa: evidence from urban Kenya and rural South Africa

Donatien Beguy, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Philippe Bocquier, University of the Witwatersrand
Mark Collinson, University of the Witwatersrand

Employment is often cited as the prominent factor among many others than can possibly cause adult migration from rural to urban areas. However, health may motivate many recent urban-to-rural migrations of the children and youth, when poor living conditions and lack of economic opportunities in urban areas increase health hazards for the whole family. Using longitudinal data from two demographic surveillance systems, one situated in Nairobi slums, the other in a South African rural area, we analyse migrations rates and determinants to verify the hypothesis of minimisation of household health risks through migration.

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Presented in Session 204: The root causes of internal migration: Are they primarily economic? (1)