
Internal mobility of immigrants in Italy: a network analysis

Cinzia Conti, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Antonella Guarneri, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Enrico Tucci, Instituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)

Until 1995 internal migration in Italy has followed a decreasing trend over the years. Since the second half of the last decade, the mobility within Italy has been on the increase again. In a large part this increase is due to the high internal mobility of foreigners in Italy. The analysis, carried out considering “local labour market areas”, highlights the shapes of the nets of the foreigners’ changes of residence. The foreign population moves from South to North, but the big cities that in the past mostly attracted immigrants, are not always involved nowadays in this kind of migration. The highest mobility is registered among the local labour market areas in the North of Italy, particularly between small but very dynamic – from an economic point of view – territories. The nets appear very different according to the gender and to the citizenship of the immigrants.

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Presented in Session 41: Factors affecting destination choices of internal migrants