
Growth, inequality and poverty alleviation policies in the MENA region

Mouna Cherkaoui, Université Mohamed V, Agdal
Touhami Abdelkhalek, Institut National de Statistiques et d’Economie Appliquée, Rabat
Aurora Angeli, Università di Bologna
Laabas Belkacem, Arab Planning Institute, Kuwait
Sami Bibi, Université de Laval
Heba Laithy, Al-Azhar University, Cairo
Mohamed Ali Marouani, Université Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne

The present research aims at measuring the pro-poorness of growth in 5 countries in the MENA region (Algeria, The Arab Republic of Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Tunisia). Demographic and health behaviours are considered in association with socio-economic variables. This contribution presents first results. We will use descriptive data as well as econometric specifications on household surveys. A common methodological ground will facilitate comparability of results among the countries and permit extensions to account for each country’s specifics. The poor are intended as non homogeneous group. This paper includes: 1- a profile of poverty, inequality and policies for poverty alleviation, to identify sub groups of poor or regions of the countries. Data refer to census, DHS, Labour force survey… 2- first results of the econometric analysis on household surveys data. Surveys are three or four for each country, and refer to dates that are not too far one from the other.

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Presented in Session 36: Policies and approaches for social justice and poverty alleviation in the Arab world