
Patterns of uptake of HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa: 2003-2005. A cross-country comparison of demographic and health survey data

Ide Cremin, Imperial College London
Simon Cauchemez, Imperial College London
Geoff P Garnett, Imperial College London

The socio-demographic and behavioural-risk profile of individuals who test for HIV has implications for HIV prevention and equitable access to treatment. This analysis uses data from twelve demographic and health surveys to compare nationally representative trends in uptake of testing and to characterise the profile of individuals who have tested. Univariate logistic regression models were fitted to analyse socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics associated with the uptake of testing and results collection. Levels of reported uptake of testing varied widely between countires. Overall, receipt of results was at a high level and gender differentials in uptake varied between countries. Remarkably consistent patterns of uptake were observed with respect to education level and residential location. The demographic profile of those who tested was of generally older, well educated individuals living in urban areas. This work provides a basis for exploring changes in the profile of testers as access to testing services increase.

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Presented in Session 146: HIV testing as the gateway to treatment