
Magnitude and perceptions of abortion in Cuba: qualitative and quantitative study

Luisa Alvarez, National Public Health Ministry of Cuba

Magnitude and perceptions of the abortion in Cuba Qualitative and quantitative study In Cuba where the fertility has very low-level, the abortion is very high, it is legalized and it has very good statistical data, but very few studies exist it about approaches and perceptions on the women and the society practice. The objective is to show the evolution, the perceptions and different point of view on this practice. Methodology: The study uses documents and official statistical information, articles and results of studies with focal groups and interview in depth. Results: The effect of the reduction of the abortion rate and the increase of the menstrual regulation indicate that the descent of this practice is low. The study finds that the abortion is intimately linked to the forms of thinking of the social environment, of the woman and her couple that limit its to modify.

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Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, poverty and gender