
Aging of Cuban population as a consequence of low fertility conditions and international migration

Madelín Gómez León, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Esther María León Díaz, Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo (CEPDE). ONE.

Cuban population is aging more rapidly than any other country in Latin America. In 2006, 17 % of its population is 60 and over and 31 % is expected by 2030. Total population is decreasing since 2006 at a rate of 0,4 0/00. During the last 40 years emigration rate is higher than 2.0 0/00. It is likely that this migration pattern will continue. Cuban fertility rates are below replacement since 1978. In 2006 total fertility rate is 1, 39. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect of migration and fertility on the increase of the rate of population aging in Cuba. The impact of population aging on the intergenerational relations of older adults in Havana City will also be considered.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Health and ageing