
Male's attitude on women's empowerment and men as supportive partners in promotion of RCH: a study among slum dwellers in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Parasuram Vinayaga Murthy, Sri Venkateswara University
Venkiteela Ravindrakumar, Sri Venkateswara University

In India the percentage covered under the practice of safe sex, and protection against RTI and HIV are meagre.The status of RCH among slum dwellers is deteriorating day by day . The present study covers the slum areas of three major cities of Andhra Pradesh by focussing on a)Perception of males on women’s autonomy b)Factors influencing women’s autonomy c)Knowledge of men on puberty and menstruation d)High-risk sexual behavior of men and knowledge on RTI/HIV e)Prevalence of RTI/STI and HIV/AIDS f)Treatment of wife by husband at home g)Drug addiction and life style of men h)Knowledge of men on practice safe sex and prevention of RTI/HIV and i)Share of males in parenting.The men with positive attitude on women’s autonomy and empowerment are more acceptable to involve in promotion of RCH. They are more ready to practice controlled sexual behavior by adopting safe sex methods and are also treating their wives gently at home.

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Presented in Session 213: The role of men in reproductive health