
Behind the surge in foreign immigration in Italy: the economic context at the local level

Corrado Bonifazi, IRPPS.CNR, Rome
Frank Heins, IRPPS.CNR, Rome
Salvatore Strozza, University of Naples Federico II

The contribution moves the focus of the analysis of the nexus between economic structure and development and foreign immigration from the national to the local level. The geographic distribution of the foreign population, its socio-demographic structure and growth patterns are analysed for local labour market areas and are put into relation to the socio-demographic and economic structure of the labour market areas. Population census data and population register data provide information regarding the structure and dynamics of the foreign population The socio-economic information available for the local labour market areas stem from the 2001 population census, national economic statistics (local estimates of occupation and gdp). The results show that economically dynamic local labour market areas continue to attract most foreign immigrants. The analysis also confirms a positive contribution of foreign immigration to the socio-economic change in the areas of destination. Ethnic communities play a special role in this nexus.

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography