
The internal migration of foreigners in developed countries: a cross-national comparative study with census data

Joaquin Recano-Valverde, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Verónica De Miguel, Universidad de Málaga

This paper describes the internal migration of foreign population in Canada, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America from the beginning of the nineties up to recent dates. We intend to answer: Are internal migration spatial patterns of foreigners similar to those of natives? Do these migration patterns differ by origin/nationality? Do the observed patterns by national groups differ according to the country of destination? Is internal migration contributing to a concentration or dispersion of the population? The analysis is based on IPUMS-International census microdata files which provide information on individuals by basic demographic characteristics (citizenship, age, sex and country of birth, origin/destination of internal migration, duration of residence and education). Following a descriptive analysis of migration patterns we will perform multinomial logistic regression to explore the individual and aggregated characteristics that may influence in explaining differences in mobility among groups and countries.

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Presented in Session 41: Factors affecting destination choices of internal migrants