
Gaps between social science research and social policy in Ghana: evidence on child health and nutrition policies

Delali M Badasu, University of Ghana

Emphasis on social policy has been one of the responses to failures of economic policies in many countries, including Ghana. Research evidence-based policies have also been regarded as critical for achievement of development goals. Human development problems still plague many countries,including Ghana, despite these efforts. The present study examined policies that have been adopted in Ghana over the past two decades to promote child health and nutritional status and the research findings on child health and nutritional status. It explains the gaps between the policies and the research. The findings indicate that national surveys that inform child health and nutrition policy show average conditions of children and obscure variations among children. Micro studies capture them better. The study recommends that micro studies should, therefore, be combined with national surveys for more effective evidence-based policy formulation. It also suggests that policies originating from international sources be adapted to suit local conditions.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts