
Consequences of female migration for families in areas of origin, the case of Tanzania

Esther W Dungumaro, University of Dar es Salaam

Migration is a phenomenon which has been there through human history. People migrate for a great variety of reasons. Migration is also one of the many steps taken by people in order to increase opportunities of earning for a living. However, there are consequences of migration to individual migrants and their families in areas of origin. This paper presents empirical evidence of consequences of female migration in Tanzania. Data collection was done in the areas of destination and origin to capture views of individual migrants and their families. Preliminary results indicate that individual migrants fail to realize their goals hence unable to significantly improve their living standards and support their families. Consequences on their families include, caring for the HIV infected migrants who return home and also caring for migrants’ children born in town. The elderly suffer from lack of assistance in the farms and household chores due to migration.

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography