
Mega-urban regions in Pacific Asia: growth dynamics

Gavin W. Jones, National University of Singapore

The definition and delimitation of urban agglomerations is a fraught issue. This paper is based on a study which identified core, inner and outer zones for six major mega-urban regions (MURs) in Pacific Asia (Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila, Ho Chi Minh City, Taipei and Shanghai), based on criteria other than purely administrative boundaries. Their population and employment dynamics over the inter-censal period 1990-2000 were studied, utilizing unpublished census data in all cases. The findings of this study are that these mega-urban regions continue to increase their share of national populations, and zones immediately beyond the official metropolitan boundaries are where the most dramatic changes are occurring. Migration patterns into the MURs and between zones of the MURs are also studied, as well as the effect of migration patterns on educational attainment. The findings are used for a critical assessment of the procedures used by the UN Population Division in defining urban agglomerations.

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Presented in Session 5: Internal migration and urbanisation: processes and patterns (1)