
The Moroccan Jews in South America: an unknown migration

Juan Jose Vagni, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

One of the most singular and unknown chapters of the migrations to South America is the one related to the JudeoMoroccan communities that arrived in the middle of the 19th century. This paper identifies the causes for this migration from the Maghreb, the different points of attraction and the destinations. Our attention is mainly oriented towards Brazil and Argentina. Brazil, for hosting the major immigratory group and for the temporal phases of the process. Argentina, as a case of a particular minority within the Jewish community. We analize the role of institutions and social segments that acted like mobilising agents. We also examine the communitarian organization and the integration strategies in both national societies. Furthermore, the work reflects the bonds of this community with its country of origin and the alauí monarchy. Finally, we review the sources and archives that could promote more exhaustive investigations.

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Presented in Session 48: Migration in the Arab world: specific profiles