
Scope and limitations of data sources for the study of the vulnerability of health in the framework of rights

Bruno Sebastián Ribotta, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

In this work, is intended to investigate the extent to which records vital facts can provide information about the vulnerability in health. First, there is a systematization of investigations that have addressed the advantages and limitations of these sources of data for studies on health, particularly in the Latin American context. Secondly, it is proposed to study the situation of these sources of data in two jurisdictions of Argentina, Buenos Aires and the province of Chaco, during the years 2000-2005, which makes the problems more typical in this type of information. The results highlight the work constraints of various kinds, among which the problems of quality and coverage in vital statistics, a fact that indicates the need to address the vulnerability of health by triangulation with other data sources.

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Presented in Session 216: Vulnerability and human rights