
GIS for mapping condom coverage, quality of coverage and access to condoms among women working in "HIV Risk Zone" in Nepal: a method to measuring condom performance for strategic planning in combating HIV/AIDS transmission

PrakashDev Pant, N-MARC Project, AED, Nepal
Manisha Shrestha, Academy for Educational Development (AED)
Peter Oyloe, Academy for Educational Development (AED)

National HIV/AIDS prevention efforts have focused on increasing usage of condoms among population at high risk behavior. HIV risk zone mapping is an innovative research study designed to measure condom coverage, quality of coverage and access to condom in sexually high-risk area to facilitate increased availability of condoms. The study was carried out in 15 districts. The study uses GPS units to collect GIS coordinate and retail audit sheet administers to retail outlets to collect information on various condom brands they sell. Complete enumeration of hot spots followed by outlets was carried out. Condom coverage was found in over 70% of high-risk areas, quality of condom coverage remains poor, access to condom indicator was lower than coverage. The study highlighted need to focus condom marketing and distribution efforts on increasing condom-selling outlets in each high-risk area, outlets displaying condoms and promotional materials, outlets open at night.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, poverty and gender