
Demography, social exclusion and health in Mexico

Guillermo J. Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Maria Guadalupe Vega-Lopez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Carlos E Cabrera-Pivaral, Universidad de Guadalajara
Samuel Romero- Valle, Universidad de Guadalajara
Armando Muñoz de laTorre, Universidad de Guadalajara

Several authors, from different perspectives, have demonstrated the association between social structure and health. This paper seeks to analyze the relationship among demographic conditions, social marginalization and health equity in Mexico. An area-based study–with recent data from the 32 Mexican states—was carried out to assess the socioeconomic and demographic context that conditions the health risks. Demographic and statistical methods were used for data analysis; states were ordered by quartiles according to their social marginalization index. Results show that quartile IV–integrated by the poorest Mexican states—presents the highest number of children and elderly people, the highest total fertility rate, the highest under 5 years old mortality rate and maternal mortality rate and the lowest per capita public expense in health. Obviously, poverty and socio-demographic disparities are structural conditions that surpass the health system and must be modified to reduce the health inequities in the country.

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Presented in Session 124: Poverty, inequality and social exclusion