
Brazilian population ageing: household conditions and family support

Vania C. Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

The process of Brazilian’s population ageing shows up so quickly from the end of the 60’s as a result of demographic changes in the age distribution of the population and represented by the significant increase in the proportion of elderly. Besides the population ageing, there is an increase in life expectancy at birth (from 45.9 years in 1950 changed to 66 years in 1991 and 68 in 2000). Compared to developed countries, the pace of Brazilian’s population ageing happens faster as a result of the faster pace of fertility decline. It is intended to provide an analysis of household structures in the elderly living in Brazil, its role in the family, either as leader, dependent on children and other members or as provider and family support they have, yet emphasizing the changes in the composition of households with elderly people in Brazil in the period from 1970 to 2006.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Health and ageing