
The impact of ageing population’s changing tendency in China on the world ageing population

Zhang Lei, Peking University
Pei Lijun, Peking University
Lin Yan, Peking University
Cui Bin, Peking University
Tang Xiaoxue, Peking University

The quantity and age structure of the Chinese population has remarkably changed during the last 50 years. It is quite important to review these past changes in population ageing to clearly analyze its characteristics and impact and to accurately predict ageing so that the government can meet future challenges.This paper reviews China’s changing process of population ageing from the 1950’s to the end of 20th century, and utilizes the National Census data of 1990 and 2000 to predict the changing tendency from 2000 and 2050. Combined with the data on world populationageing published by UN, this paper compares population ageing in China--quantity, development speed and ageing degree--with world population ageing over 100 years. In brief, it analyzes the impact of Chinese population ageing on global population ageing, showing how much China contributes to world population ageing.

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Presented in Session 214: Policy responses to ageing populations