
Quantity and quality of youth employment in Italy by educational attainment

Cristiano Marini, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

Italy represents one of the European countries more afflicted with very serious youth occupational performances and therefore problems, above all as far as young adults with a tertiary education, despite of their still very low proportion if compared with those of other developed countries. The principle aim of this contribution is an evaluation of the return - for a single person, his/her family and the whole collectivity - of the substantial public and private investments in education. The analysis will be based on labour market data, examined at level of twenty Italian regions in a quantitative and qualitative perspective, therefore considering both youth employment/unemployment rates and contractual typologies and professional positions by education attainment. All those results will also help to evaluate the efficacy of the recent reforms in terms of flexibility, which largely characterizes present Italian youth labour market.

Presented in Poster Session 5: Contexts