
The loss of population between the ages of 15 and 49 due to forced displacement and death by factors associated with armed conflict in Colombia, 2001 - 2006.

Nubia Y. Ruiz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The current investigation approaches the problem of the lost of population between 15 and 49 years in some municipalities of the country due to the armed conflict, by forced migration or death of the men and women in a productive age. The population imbalances caused by migration or death effects are connected demographic facts. It is expected to validate the existing relation between the forced displacement concentrated in the feminine population in the age groups between 15 and 49 years old and on the masculine mortality associated to facts of violence related to the armed conflict in the country between the years 2001-2006. Likewise, the geographic location of the affected territories is determined, and is set the implications of economic and social characteristics brought to the region by the lost of population and the violent exercise of methods pretending a process of land accumulation in few hands

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Presented in Session 189: Displaced persons, refugees and vulnerability