
Do ‘strong ties’ cause migration? Internal migration of young people in West-Germany

Sergi Vidal, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

This article aims to contribute to the understanding of how the strong ties influence the first decision of internal migration. We analyze different dimensions of the family network applying hazard models to a large data set for West-Germany (i.e. GSOEP). Following residence careers since age 15 we are able to identify a significant negative effect of the netwrok' size, which may be associated to value orientations of attachment. To live further away from ties increases the hazard of migration, which grows when we control for regional heterogeneity, meaning that less dispersed ties to relatives may be found in 'sending regions', like some rural areas with less economic opportunities. Closer relationships impact strongly, decreasing the effect of other dimensions. Last, we also find that individuals with lower labor market opportunities are more likely to stay constrained by the social capital embedded in the location of residence.

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Presented in Session 163: Family context and work-life balance