
Population dynamics and reproductive health facility availability in the east province of Cameroon: a GIS approach

Samuel Kelodjoue, Université de Dschang
Ayenika Godheart Mbiydzenyuy, Université de Dschang

In Cameroon the limits of Health Districts (HD) and Health Areas (HA) are not in conformity with that of Divisions and Sub-Divisional administrative demarcations. This makes it difficult to compare and harmonized data from demographic censuses and health surveys, making planning of facilities in the health sector difficult for policy makers. This study attained to harmonize the mismatch between administrative and public health demographic data; evaluate the spatial distribution of facilities and preventive and curative care, maternal land child care HA and HD The methodology involved the used of vector and raster data as well as field survey in the East Province of Cameroon . This conduct to the development of a spatial data base using GIS and Remote Sensing for health facilities and disease monitoring that will be updated continuously for Public Health decision making in the 13 Health Districts and 59 Health Areas of the East Province

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Presented in Poster Session 3: Migration, environment and spatial demography