
Work-family balance and childbearing intentions in France, Germany and Russia

Ariane Pailhé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

This article examines the effect of employment on fertility intentions. It focuses on two aspects of the employment relationship that may affect fertility: stability of employment and the possibility of reconciling work and family. A comparative study of France, Germany and Russia is undertaken, since these countries have differing demographic, institutional and economic contexts. The results show that insecure employment has a negative effect on the desire among women for a first child in France and Germany, but a positive one in Russia. The effect is negative for men. However, the effect of employment instability disappears with respect to the intention to have a further child. Family-friendly policies have a less clear effect on fertility intentions, and, here too, it is mainly on the intention to have a first child. Childcare provided by the employer does have a positive effect on intentions. Flexible hours have little effect, except in Germany.

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Presented in Session 182: The institutional context of low fertility