
Using a post-census survey to measure maternal mortality in Mozambique

Yusuf Hemed, National Institute of Statistics, Mozambique
Francisco Mbofana, National Institute of Statistics, Mozambique
Elisio Mazive, National Institute of Statistics, Mozambique
Robert G. Mswia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Stirling Cummings, Family Health International
Peter Young, National Institute of Statistics, Mozambique
Loraine A. West, U.S. Census Bureau

We present an innovative approach for measuring maternal mortality, using a post-census mortality survey linked to the 2007 Mozambique census. The survey used verbal autopsy and ICD-10 tools to ascertain maternal causes of death by age group at the national and provincial levels. The survey was designed with input from national and provincial health planning systems to increase data demand and use for improving maternal health. Results show maternal deaths within one year, by age, province, and timing relative to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. We present number of deaths due to all causes, direct and indirect maternal causes, and the proportion of female deaths due to maternal causes. We also provide data on coverage of ante-, intra- and postpartum care, use of health services in the period leading to death, and the proportion of maternal deaths amenable to available cost effective interventions.

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Presented in Session 37: Measuring maternal mortality through the 2010 round of population censuses