
Transition to adulthood of second generation women and men of Turkish descent in France: attitudes and practices towards the first sexual intercourse

Christelle Hamel, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Nadja Milewski, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

Around 3 million of Turkish immigrants live in Europe. Their descendants born in Europe are in the phase of the transition to adulthood today. A project called The Integration of the European Second Generation was launched in 2003 in order to pay special attention to the second generation living in eight Western European countries. The French sample became available in 2008. Our paper focuses on one aspect of the transition to adulthood : the first intimate relationship. Does the transition to adulthood of second generation of Turkish descent in France resemble the one of natives? We apply regression analysis to the event of the first sexual intercourse and give attention to cultural factors and the family background. The TIES survey also contains information on attitudes and norms which allows us to contrast representations and real behaviors. We discuss the results in the framework of combination of two cultural patterns.

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Presented in Session 172: The transition to adulthood among second generation migrants: navigating between two cultures