
The IDP protection scorecard: an assessment of indicators on rights and freedoms enjoyed by internally displaced persons in Eastern Africa

Peter Kintu, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Khassoum Diallo, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

Through the cluster approach, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated to lead in the protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs). During 2008, UNHCR assisted 3,485,992 IDPs in Eastern Africa. Human rights indicators were developed and annually assessed in countries with IDP caseloads. Weights and scores were constructed and analysis comparing 2006 to 2008 performance levels with desired standards undertaken. The right to physical safety and security was accessed by half of the IDPs, with deteriorating situations in Somalia (73% to 43%) and Sudan (67% to 43%). Most IDPs do not enjoy their property, as shown by the drop from 50% to 35% in Somalia and a slight improvement from 25% to 33% in Sudan. Access to rights and freedoms by IDPs remains a big challenge. This analysis could facilitate additional advocacy for improvement in IDP protection, especially through influencing policy makers and positioning additional humanitarian assistance.

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Presented in Session 189: Displaced persons, refugees and vulnerability