
Factors sustaining high fertility regimes in southwest Nigeria

Sunday Adedini, Obafemi Awolowo University
Ayotunde S. Liasu, Obafemi Awolowo University

It is clear from available literature that both desired and actual fertility is still high in Nigeria and most of the factors precipitating high fertility rates are still being sustained. However, one of the unresolved issues is whether certain systems of gender power dynamics or particular socio-economic conditions systematically differentiate women’s and men’s demand for children in developing countries. The paper presents the results of study conducted among 1300 respondents selected in three Yoruba speaking states of South Western Nigeria. The study shows that (i) conjugal relationships are relatively closed among the Yorubas (iii) there is still much higher desire for male child than female, and (iv) decisions on reproductive matters still rest with men. Based on the assumptions of demographic transition, increasing education and attendant increase in inter-spousal communication will contribute to reduction in desired and actual family size of couples.

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Presented in Poster Session 2: Fertility, family and children