Childlessness in India: are we ready as developed countries?
Praween Kumar Agrawal, India HIV/AIDS Alliance
India observe double burden of fertility – childlessness along with high fertility, which brings close to a developed country. Paper highlights childlessness and its association with reproductive health problems by exploring NFHS-2 data. Seven percent of married women aged 20-49 years in India are childless, which accounts for more than total population of Australia. Andhra Pradesh shows highest percent of infertile women (13.3%) followed by Goa (11.8%). Significant differential in childlessness has been found by age, residence, education, religion, and standard of living. Reproductive health problems such as: itching, bad odour, abdominal pain, painful intercourse, blood visible after sex and menstruation related problems emerged significantly higher among infertile women than fertile women. Along with the problem of high fertility, childlessness has emerged unnoticed in country like India, so attention should be paid in more realistic manner. More medical facility especially infertility clinics are needed to mitigate this upcoming health problem.
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Presented in Poster Session 2: Fertility, family and children