Migration between Senegal and Europe: do economic and non-economic factors play the same role in departure, return and circulation?
Amparo González-Ferrer, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Pau Baizán, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
In this paper we report on a particular research stream of the project MAFE-Senegal: the determinants of first migration, and of return and circulation of migrants. We investigate the value of several competing explanations of migration decisions, both at the individual and the household level, to account for migration flows between Senegal and Europe. Data comes from the MAFE-Senegal Survey (Migrations between Africa and Europe), which has recently finalized its field work in both Senegal and three European countries (Italy, France and Spain). We use discrete-time event history techniques to explore the determinants of migration decisions and differentiated patterns of migration across individuals.
Presented in Session 114: International Migration