Case studies of the MicMac microsimulation tool for data from the Netherlands
Sabine Zinn, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Jutta Gampe, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
As part of the MicMac-project a microsimulation software tool has been designed in order to forecast large numbers of individual life courses. To demonstrate the capacities of the microsimulation tool we present two case studies using data from the Netherlands. The first example will deal with the transition into adulthood taking educational achievement into account. The second case study will deal with transitions into disability, and finally mortality, taking marital status, living arrangement but also health behaviour into account. We will realize several microsimulation runs to obtain population projections for alternative scenarios about future transition rates, in particular ongoing plans for school reforms in the Netherlands and changing smoking behaviour. Appropriate graphs and tables will be prepared to highlight the insights from the microsimulation analysis.
Presented in Session 52: Population forecasting: new approaches and uses in policy